Apply to join our selective program, intensive coaching, and supportive community to get all the guidance and tools you need to go from Idea to Investment in 12 Weeks ... without swinging a hammer, fixing broken toilets, or making real estate into a second job.
We work with women who are go-getters and are committed to taking financial matters into their own hands.

The Mogul Masterclass is a comprehensive, one-stop shop for busy women executives wanting to build wealth through real estate investing on the side.

This course includes:
- Over 60 easily-digestible, no-fluff online lessons you can access anytime, anywhere . . . perfect for a busy professional on the go;
- Exclusive interviews with industry professionals, from realtors and lenders to property managers and CPAs;
- A private members-only Facebook group of like-minded women to support you on the journey;
- Weekly coaching calls with your coaches and fellow cohort members to get questions answered and stay laser focused on the end goal; and
- Custom downloadable resources to track your net worth and manage your real estate accounting.
By the end of the 12- week Mogul Masterclass, you will have an exact roadmap to:
- get crystal clear on your optimal investing strategy,
- gather the resources,
- manage tax considerations,
- adjust to market conditions,
- get a spouse or partner on board if needed,
- track and increase your net worth,
- generate revenue,
- protect your assets,
- streamline accounting,
- create and e-sign the right documents,
- manage and maintain the property,
- roll one investment into the next to start snowballing generational wealth ... and more.
In this step-by-step program, we take the overwhelm and analysis paralysis out of the equation so you can get to work on building your empire ... without taking your time and focus away from your career.
"It goes through every step you'd need, every question you would need . . . .
It's really well set up to take you through from owning nothing to owning a property and being successful, and then continuing to put that on repeat.
. . .
Having the live community aspect and where you can continue to ask questions throughout the weeks of the course as you go through the modules and the weekly calls has been huge to know that you're not alone.
. . .
The course is everything you need to invest in real estate, and it's very concise, but detail oriented, and it's really what you need to get to the finish line of buying a property."
- Anna F.
Financial professional

"My journey with Invest on the Side has been amazing.
The content has been very thorough and insightful. It has addressed the reservations I had about investing in real estate through educating me on the process and how to approach it the best way for my busy life rather than thinking it just wasn’t doable with my schedule and lifestyle. I loved the step by step modules and then coupling those with the group interactions that allowed me to get further insight and answers to questions or concerns. By the time the course ended I was already working on getting my first property!"
- Janie S.
Law firm owner

"The Mogul Masterclass was the education, guidance, and support I needed to begin real estate investing.
I have long been interested in how to build wealth through investments. However, after reading dozens of books I was left feeling these ‘programs’ were merely a sales pitch to buy more products. With the rapidly changing real estate market, a book written even two years ago can seem archaic in today’s market. Nothing seemed to apply to me.
The leaders of the Mogul Masterclass lead you through a course that is entirely tailored to today’s real estate market in real time. In addition to the well-executed online material, there are weekly calls in which you can ask any questions specific to your situation. It is a masterclass and mentoring all in one. The modules are split up into weekly segments which made it possible for me to keep up while running my business during a particularly stressful season.
The leaders of this course, Anna and Tessa, are a wealth of information from their own successes and struggles juggling a full-time job with learning to become a real estate investor on the side. If you have felt overwhelmed by the idea of real estate investing or that it may just be out of your league…this is the course for you. After completing the course, I went from ‘interested but overwhelmed’ to actively searching for properties."
- Melissa M.
Psychotherapist and limited licensed psychologist
All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Real Estate Portfolio
Your journey into the Mogul Masterclass begins with a free strategy call. During the call, we'll talk for about 45 minutes and will go DEEP into your current retirement strategy and financial goals.
If you're a good fit for the program, you may be invited to apply. Either way, you'll come away from this call with clarity on when, whether, and how real estate can fit into your investment goals or not.
Email [email protected] for more information.

Ready to start shifting from overwhelm and analysis paralysis to being an active real estate investor on the side?
Watch: "5 Shifts for Busy Executive Women to Get Started Investing in Real Estate"
Watch Now